Waloryzacja Kontraktów

Contracts valorization

We advice to both, the large and medium-size companies how to prepare and find good reasoning of the applications for contractual price or remuneration indexation arising from unpredictable price and cost increases and help them in negotiations of annexes to the contracts.

As the experts, we prepare the positions to the increase on the costs of contract implementation, which have been successfully used in court suits. Frequently, we have been appointed by the common and arbitration courts to be an expert in the settlements of disputes on cost increase and contractual price indexation.

So far, we have taken part in about 200 cases concerning the settlements of cost increase and price indexation of contracts in construction and production sector.

For our Customers:

  • We prepare and evaluate proposals of contractual price or remuneration indexation or adjustments.
  • We analyse the market condition and how its evolution has affected the costs of implementing the projects/contracts/agreements.
  • We calculate and document the increase on the costs of implementing the projects/contracts/agreements.
  • We assess the risk of price changes predictable as on the day of submitting the contractor’s/ supplier’s quotation.
  • We calculate and submit the financial outcome of the project.
  • We participate in negotiations/ conciliation proceedings and lawsuits as experts, where we submit and defend our position.


Some examples of the projects successfully completed with our participation are described in the CASE STUDIES tab.


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Case Studies

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The objective of CAS is to prevent disputes during various stages of project implementation and to resolve disputes through the specification of claims and defense against those claims.
As Experts, we provide support during negotiations, mediations and cases under litigation before courts and arbitral bodies to minimize their negative effects and maximize profits.

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Team of Experts

The CAS team consists of experienced Experts and Specialists, who have cooperated for over ten years. They have successfully completed projects in such sectors as: power engineering, buildings, infrastructure, sea (maritime sector), mining, crude oil and natural gas, manufacturing and industry.

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Mapa Warszawy z siedzibą CAS Sp. z o.o.


CAS Sp. z o.o.
ul. Pańska 98/12,
00-837 Warsaw, Poland

KRS: 0000659441
Regon: 366393384
NIP: 527-279-47-55

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+48 608 470 354

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Mapa Warszawy z siedzibą CAS Sp. z o.o.