🌟 Solidarity Arbitration and Mediation Days 2024

28 October 2024

Last week, the international arbitration community met again at the Solidarity Arbitration and Mediation Days. It was the perfect opportunity to delve into practical issues, exchange best practices, and discuss the latest trends and challenges. This year’s panel program covered a variety of topics:
✅ Disputes in construction, infrastructure, and energy sectors: their causes and current trends,
✅ The role of Experts in arbitration proceedings,
✅ Artificial intelligence in shaping dispute resolution processes.

CAS expert, Jan Gandziarowski, had the opportunity to exchange experiences with Anastasia Pojoga Morali, Dominik Karsznia, Wojciech Sadowski, and Sergiy Voitovich during the panel “Damages in Infrastructure, Construction, and Energy Disputes: When 2 + 2 Does Not Always Equal 4,” moderated by Karl Pörnbacher.

As event partners, we are pleased to have supported this initiative and to have been part of this inspiring project. Congratulations to the organizers from the Arbitration Court at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw 👏.

Solidarity Arbitration and Mediation Days is not only a conference but also a symbol of the arbitration community’s support for those affected by the war in Ukraine.

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