25 April 2022
We are pleased to present you with the CAS Report presenting the results of the survey on the impact of the war in Ukraine on construction projects in Poland. Through a survey, conducted in the first half of April 2022, during the second month of the ongoing war across our eastern border, we wanted to find out how you see this problem. In the Report, you will find a summary of the survey results and our Experts’ conclusions and opinions on the key findings of the Report.
We would like to thank our respondents for their participation in the survey, which made it possible for us to conduct this research.
And tomorrow we will hold a webinar on the disruption of construction projects resulting from the outbreak of war in Ukraine, during which we will present:
âś… analysis of key economic links relevant to the construction market
âś… the impact of outbreak of war on execution of construction projects in terms of implementation deadlines as well as costs of implementation
âś… changes in cost of production factors (labour, material, equipment)
âś… CAS indicators reflecting changes in the cost of investment execution in Q1 2022 for the road, railroad and cubature construction sectors
âś… possible ways of contractual and non-contractual solutions due to the increase in the cost of construction projects.
đź—“Date: 26 April 2022, 10:00-11:30 am
đź””Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qBUGtSqIShyv2QfZCWuWhg
We wish you a pleasant reading and invite you to participate in the webinar!
The objective of CAS is to prevent disputes during various stages of project implementation and to resolve disputes through the specification of claims and defense against those claims.
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